New Mexico oilman defeats AntiWar protester in GOP primary

From Eric Dondero:

Tom Mullins soundly defeated liberal Republican Adam Kokesh for the Republican nomination for Congress (Farmington, northern NM). The results; 72% to 28%. The race received national media attention from the leftwing blogosphere for Kokesh's radical Anti-War views.

Mullins is an engineer from Farmington. He describes himself as a "Ronald Reagan Republican." He is also a fan of Sarah Palin and a local organizer for the New Mexico Tea Party.

Mullins accused Kokesh, who ran an agressive campaign, of being nothing more than an "internet celebrity." He shot back at Kokesh:

"We are not the world’s policeman. We have a volunteer military. Our military men and women deserve support from our elected officials and all members of the American public."

From the Cassy Fiano blog:

He’s running as a Republican in the primary, which is interesting considering his many affiliations with Marxist and liberal organizations, like CODEPINK, A.N.S.W.E.R., and of course, the Iraq Veterans Against the War. He’s a liar and a phony who has been arrested multiple times and encouraged soldiers in Germany to go AWOL.

Kokesh was a Marine but was kicked out with a General Discharge (a disgrace for military personnel).

Mullins for his part got in some hot water a couple months back with the liberal media for defending gun rights and appearing to defend militias.

From the New Mexico Independent:

“Janet Napolitano and the Federal Government are after the militia now. Don’t fall for the media spin accusing Americans with guns as the problem. When you disarm the American people that will be tyranny. We are all citizen soldiers and we will protect our nation when our government fails us.”

He added:

“Owning a gun is not a crime. Training with guns in the woods is not a crime.”

Mullins now goes on to face incumbent Democrat Rep. Ben Lujan, who is considered very vulnerable in the district which stretches across conservative northern New Mexico.

Adam Kokesh far left in photo at antiwar rally.

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