NC Republican legislator explicitly states his Bill is to Stop Muslim Sharia Law

From Eric Dondero:

When pressed, many Republican legislators around the Nation who sponsor Bills to outlaw foreign law used in US courts, shy away from explicitly citing Sharia Law as a prime motivator of their legislation. Even some of the most diehard opponents of Islamism in state legislatures, still insist that their legislation is not aimed at stopping any one particular form of foreign law.

In North Carolina, one legislator is being straight forward. From Raleigh News&Observer, "Bill would ban courts from using 'foreign law'":

A group of Republican legislators is backing a measure that would make it illegal for judges to consider "foreign law" when making rulings in North Carolina's courts.

Though the federal and state constitutions already guarantee the supremacy of U.S. law in domestic cases, primary sponsor Rep. George Cleveland said he is concerned that Shariah law could gain a foothold in American communities with sizable Muslim populations.

"It's to ensure that any individual in this state does not have to worry about being taken advantage of by foreign laws," said Cleveland, a retired Marine who lives in Jacksonville. "It's barring any international law. If Shariah law tries to be enforced in the state, yeah, it would do it."

Rep. Cleveland filed a Bill back in January to ban illegal aliens from attending NC colleges and universities.

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