Muslim Youth riot in South of France, fire on police using automatic weapons

U.S. Media ignores the story

From Eric Dondero:

Karim Boudouda, and another man attempted to rob a casino in Grenoble, France last Thursday. They fired at police while fleeing the scene. One officer was shot and injured. The police then shot Boudouda dead. Muslim Youth then went on a rampage in the streets of Grenoble to protest the shooting.

From the UK Daily Mail, July 18:

France was on riot alert yesterday after hundreds of Muslim youths went on the rampage in Grenoble. Shots were fired at police and dozens of shops and cars were set on fire in the Alpine town. Trams and buses were also held up by gangs brandishing baseball bats and bars, and a service station was looted.

At about 2.30am a handgun was used to fire shots at the police.

The European press has played down the Muslim angle, preferring to describe the rioters and shooters as simply "Youths."

There has been a media blackout in the American press. Only Right blogs in the U.S. and U.K. have reported on the story.

The libertarian blog Gates of Vienna commented, "Culturally enriched mayham in Grenoble":

The unacknowledged fact about these Muslim kids is that their routine behavior — beating, killing, raping, and stealing from the kuffar — is not considered criminal behavior under Islamic law. As a matter of fact, slaughtering the infidel and seizing his goods as booty is considered a duty under sharia.

See dramatic video of the police counter-attacking the rioters at our sister site WorldwideLiberty. Photo of Muslim riots in Paris 2005.

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