Muslim woman at Dulles wanted special rights to avoid Air France uniform policy

From Eric Dondero:

19-year-old Riham Osman was hired by the Temp Agency Aerotek to serve as a gate teller for Air France. During her initial training session, a supervisor told her she'd have to conform to the company's uniform policy and take off her hijab. She refused, and ran to CAIR to file a complaint.

From NBCWashington:

Refusing to take it off, Osman left the airport in tears. Soon after, she contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations for help. Noting the ongoing controversy in France about the legality of wearing a hijab, CAIR filed a complaint and sent a letter to Air France saying in part, “It is clear that a discriminatory dress code implemented in France would not supersede American laws protecting the religious rights of employees. Air France must follow American law and grant reasonable religious accommodations for its employees.”

Aerotek pushed for her to be re-hired. But Air France has not buckled.

Now predictably:

Osman hopes travelers will boycott Air France until she gets an apology.

Editor's comment - Perhaps those of us who support free enterprise and the rights of businesses to hire employees as they see fit, should boycott Aerotek? What's next? Hijab-wearing Muslim woman demanding the right to work at Hooters?

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