Muslim shooting suspect at Pentagon now charged with other shootings in the area

Beltway Sniper John Muhammed Redux?

From Eric Dondero:

Back in 2003, the Beltway Sniper John Muhammed shot 20 people in southern Maryland, northern Virginia, and earlier in Arizona. The shootings held the country's attention for a few weeks. The media was captivated by the story. But they soon lost interest when it was found out that the Sniper was a Muslim male motivated by Islam, and not a southern white possibly motivated by racism, as they had strongly anticipated.

Now this from the AP via Army Times "Officials: Marine linked to military shootings":

WASHINGTON — A Marine reservist who was detained during a security scare near the Pentagon last week has been linked to the shootings last year at the Marine Corps museum in Quantico and several D.C.-area military recruitment stations, officials said Wednesday.

Ballistics evidence appears to link Yonathan Melaku, 22, of Alexandria, Va., to the shootings, one official said. The two officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Melaku is being held on unrelated larceny charges. He has not been charged in last week’s incident or the building shootings.

Media except Fox, ignores Muslim affiliation

Scott Starnes of Politically Incorrect blog points out - "Muslim Marine Reservist Detained Near Pentagon…Linked to DC Militay Building Shootings":

Hey Democrats. This is the reason we need to investigate and profile those who follow that ever-so peaceful religion called Islam. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)unavailable for comment.

And columnist Mollie at notes the blatant media bias - "So is he a Muslim or not?":

I live not far from the Pentagon, I followed the changing reports throughout the day and the week that followed. Yonathan Melaku, an immigrant from Ethiopia, was the man taken into custody.

There are quite a few Ethiopian immigrants in this area...

I did a search of CNN, ABC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS and FOX News sites for “Yonathan Melaku Muslim.” Only Fox showed any hits.

Like the Muhammed case, the media suddenly seems un-interested in this latest Beltway Sniper story.

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