More Scott Brown fall-out: Lieberman asserts he’s solid "Independent," hints at switch to GOP

Republican Caucus in the Senate now at 62?

In what could be seen as yet another blow to the Democrats, following on the footsteps of two major losses for Governor in New Jersey and Virginia, a Congressional party switcher to the GOP, and a major Senate seat switch from Democrat to Republican in Massachusetts, Connecticut Independent-Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman has now declared himself completely Independent. He has previously identified himself as an "Independent-slash-Democrat."

Asked by an interviewer which affiliation would he run for re-election under in 2012, Lieberman responded:

LIEBERMAN: I must tell you at this moment in our political life, which is so partisan... I like being an Independent. So, if you asked me that would be the most likely of the choices.

EYEWITNESS NEWS REPORTER: Could you see yourself as a Republican? Is that possible?

LIEBERMAN: Yeah, it's possible. A good old fashioned New England moderate Republican.

Note - a full switch by Lieberman, plus a Republican pick-up in CT of the Dodd seat, would put the GOP at parity with the Democrats in New England Senate seats, 6 to 6.

See the complete video interview at RCP.

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