MINNESOTA: "Libertarian" Republican Hockey Dad Tom Emmer for Governor

Congressman Marty Seifert is the current frontrunner to replace Governor Tim Pawlenty in Minnesota. But a second candidate is in the race, is garnering an increasing amount of attention and support.

In a recent GOP convention straw poll Seifert finished ahead of Tom Emmer by about 12% of delegate support. But Emmer has an important constituency behind him.

Reports MinnPost.com:

[State] Rep. Tom Emmer, who is seen as more appealing to the Tea Party/Libertarian brand of Republicans who have become a growing factor in party politics..

Emmer is a former college hockey player - Boston College and Univ. of Alaska. He has served two terms in the legislature representing Delano, Rockford and Otsego.

So far, 14 elected officials have endorsed Emmer including: including Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau and Rep. Laura Brod.

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