Minnesota DFL may have a Big Problem on its hands for 2010: Lynne Torgerson

by Eric Dondero

American "Jane Six-Pack" vies for Congressional seat held by Radical Muslim

Talk about an odd duck Democrat. Well, not exactly a 'D' more like a Joe Lieberman sort running as an Independent in the Democrat primaries.

Meet firebrand anti-Islamist crusader and candidate for US Congress Lynne Torgerson. Ms. Torgerson ran once before, in 2008 for the Minnesota House of Reps. She sought the GOP nomination in District 59. Ironically, she was blocked by a cadre of Ron Paul supporters. The Paulists opposed her foreign policy views. Many suspect that might have been the reason for putting the squash on her candidacy.

From Minnesota Independent:

Carleton Crawford, who chairs the Republican Party of Minnesota’s Fifth District committee, told MnIndy by email that Torgerson failed to get the GOP endorsement in 2008 because delegates sought someone more in line with U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy.

An Independent-Democrat, with a Conservative streak

Unfortunately, the move by Paul's followers, may have also pushed this attractive and outspoken candidate right out of the Republican Party. For 2010 Torgerson is planning to run in the Democrat primary as an "Independent." She may also simultaneously seek the Independence Party nomination for the general. (Jesse Ventura's old party.)

She shares a number of mixed views on a variety of issues. For example; She's stridently Anti-Bail Outs for big corporations, Pro-Gun and Pro-2nd Amendment, anti-Immigration in general, Pro-Life, Anti-Gay Marriage, and for Tax Credits for Oil Exploration. At the same time, she's almost liberal on Environmental Policy, and Health Care; favoring a public option, and policies that would promote "Clean Energy."

Fighting back against Minnesota's Somali Terrorists

It is her Foreign Policy views, specifically her views on Israel, and Muslim extremism, that put her in direct confrontation with the man she seeks to unseat.

There has been a recent wave of Somali immigrants to Minneapolis/St. Paul who have participated in homegrown terror plots, and American Somalis have traveled to Somalia to participate in Jihad.

StoptheACLU blog reported that might be a reason for the rise in anti-Islamist sentinment among regular Minnesotans:

The Huffington Post reports “the growth of anti-Muslim sentiment in Minnesota..." the tuberculosis they brought with them and their habit of never... integrating into society.

Yet the local media, and politically correct politicians have been almost completely silent on the increasing threat from the Somalis.

In Torgerson, regular Minnesota Joe and Jane Sixpacks may have found a new champion for more restrictive immigration policies for Somalis and other Muslim immigrants.

Going after the record of Radical Islamist Keith Ellison

From her website:

Who is Keith Ellison? He is my opposing candidate for the Fifth Congressional District seat. Keith Ellison is a Muslim, a person who was raised Christian and converted to Islam. He became associated with the Muslim faith and Louis Farakhan. Louis Farakhan also espoused hatred of Jews. Keith Ellison also has ties to CAIR. Its members donated to his campaign. Additionally, high ranking members of CAIR have been speakers of honor at his campaign fundraisers. Keith Ellison has spoken at CAIR's fundraising dinners. All people should definitely look at the list of Keith Ellison's donors. The list can be found at fec.gov, which is the Federal Election Commission website or opensecrets.org. Approximately $700,000 came from OUTSIDE THE STATE OF MINNESOTA into Ellison's campaign. Why would so many people outside of the State of Minnesota be so interested in a Minnesota congressperson?

Now, with all due respect, America, and its people, should be lauded for its goal of promoting to public office and other high ranks, people of color, women, minorities, etc. However, quite frankly, in our zeal, we simply went too far with Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison simply is not a proper person to have in our federal government. Ellison, in the past year or so, introduced a bill entitled "Global Peace." "Global." I think that word is telling. Globalization of Islam. It is also my understanding that when people of the Muslim faith use the word peace, that "peace" to them means the elimination of Christians and Jews. Yassar Arafat, a known terrorist who began the PLO (the Palestinian Labor Organization), also often called for "peace." Also, it should be pointed out that during a recent vote regarding funding to support the needs of our troops, Keith Ellison voted against the bill. He later has voted to fund many other things, but, again, he voted against funding for the needs of our troops at war.

So, we have Keith Ellison with ties both to Islam and to CAIR. We have him also voting against funding the needs of our military. Keith Ellison has no business in our federal government.

Radical Islam is anti-Constituion

Torgerson sees opposing Islamism as wholly Constitutionalist. Continuing from MinnIndy:

Indeed she frames several of her objections to Islam in terms of the U.S. Constitution. Islamic teachings advocate murder of non-Muslims, she charges, putting the religion at least partly outside the protection of the First Amendment, which is also contravened by Islam’s goal to “Islamize the entire world,” as she puts it. Islam’s oppression of women, she contends, violates the Constitution’s equal-protection clause.

Torgerson cites as well the 2004 assassination of Dutch director Theo Van Gogh for making a short film based on Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book “Infidel.”

Muslims “have teachings that are essentially criminal,” Torgerson said.

“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.” (Sura 9:5)

"Idolaters are anyone who is not Muslim. Slay means to kill. Therefore, the Quran says to kill anyone who is not a Muslim. Simple."

Minnesota's 5th District is the most Progressive in the State, by far. Republicans have little hope of winning this seat. While candidate Togerson may not be a consistent libertarian, she may be the best hope for libertarians and conservatives concerned about the rising threat of Radical Islam.


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