Michael Steele congratulates Susana Martinez on historic GOP Primary Win

"Para una nueva generación de Nuevo México. Juntos, podemos hacer de Nuevo México fuerte, próspero y libre de corrupción" -- Susana Martinez

From Eric Dondero:

It wasn't the Democrat Party that gave its very first nomination for Governor to an Hispanic female.

Doña Ana County Prosecutor Susan Martinez easily beat back 4 Republican primary foes to win the nomination last night. She won with a plurality of 51%. He closest opponent ended with 31%.

Martinez was heavily backed by Sarah Palin. She came to New Mexico to campaign for her in the final two weeks. She had been behind in 4th place before the Palin endorsement.

Her election marks an historic first. Never in the history of the United States, has a female Hispanic won a major party nomination for Governor.

From our friends at HipHopRepublican:

“Congratulations to all the New Mexican Republican candidates who won their primaries, and especially to Susana Martinez, who today becomes the first Hispanic woman nominated for Governor by either of the major parties in the United States. Republicans everywhere can be proud of Martinez’s landmark achievement and the major national significance of her nomination by the Republican Party to be the next Governor of New Mexico.” -- Michael Steele, Chairman, Republican National Committee

Tough as nails on Border Security

Martinez is a Jan Brewer type Republican on border security. She made it the top issue of her campaign website:

With violence in Mexico reaching unprecedented levels, we must do everything within our power to protect against that crime and violence crossing over the border.

While other candidates talk about border security, Susana Martinez is the only one with actual experience taking on the issue. Martinez’s office prosecutes over 600 cases related to border security every year and works with various law enforcement agencies to secure convictions against members of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels. Martinez understands first-hand the threat these criminals pose to our state and will make securing the border a top priority.

The first place Martinez will start is by seeking to repeal the law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

Similarly, Martinez opposes providing illegal immigrants with free tuition through taxpayer-funded lottery scholarships.

Martinez now goes on to face Democrat Diana Desch in the general. Recent polls showed the race tight, but with Martinez ahead by 5 to 6 points.

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