Medical Marijuana bill progresses in Republican-majority New Hampshire House

From Eric Dondero:

The Human Services committee in the New Hampshire House just passed a medical marijuana bill 14 - 3. The bill has the support of key Republicans, including the committee Chairman John Reagan.

From the Concord Monitor "Marijuana effort gets high approval":

The House Health, ?Human Services and Elder­?ly Affairs Committee voted ?14-3 to send the bill to the ?full House with a recom­?mendation that it pass.

“I’m for the use of med­?ical marijuana for compas­?sionate reasons, but I also ?support it for simply fiscal ?reasons,” said committee ?Chairman John Reagan, a ?Deerfield Republican, who ?said marijuana could ?replace expensive prescrip­?tion drugs.

Another Republican expressed his support for a very personal reason:

Committee member Rep. ?Robert Fredette, a Hillsboro ?Republican, said his daugh­?ter has muscular dystrophy ?and spinal muscular atro­?phy, and no drug can help ?her eat. Because she has no ?appetite, Fredette said, “she ?looks worse than most chil­?dren in Africa who have not ?eaten in many moons.”

Fredette said he went ?into the public hearing on ?medical marijuana planning ?to oppose it, because mari­juana is illegal under federal ?law. But he heard testimony ?from a woman with an ill­?ness similar to his daugh­?ter’s, who testified that mar­?ijuana helped her appetite.

“Coming out of the hear­?ing, I’m a definite yes,” Fre­?dette said. “If it helps my ?daughter, I’m all for it.”

Reagan, in his 3rd term, was 1 of 81 Republican House members supported by the Republican Liberty Caucus in 2010. (

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