McAuliffe, Cuccinelli try to swing Libertarian vote in Virginia race for governor

With some polls showing the Virginia governors race tightening in its final days, Republicans and Democrats are looking to manipulate a bloc of libertarian voters who have withheld their support from the major parties but who could swing the hotly contested race if they return to the fold for Election Day.

A Quinnipiac poll released Wednesdayshowed Republican Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II trimming Democrat Terry McAuliffes lead in the Virginia governors race to 4 percentage points, suggesting the contest is much closer than some analysis has indicated.

The survey gave Mr. McAuliffe a lead of 45 percent to 41 percent, with 9 percent of likely voters opting for Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis. That advantage is down from 46 percent to 39 percent for Mr. McAuliffe in a Quinnipiac poll last week, when Mr. Sarvis had 10 percent.

Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said the results suggest that some people who committed to Mr. Sarvis might be coming home to Mr. Cuccinelli good news for the Republican who has had a difficult time throughout the race solidifying support among members of his own party.

In an overwhelmingly negative campaign, Mr. McAuliffe has refrained from making any critical remarks about the third-party candidate, apparently content not to upset the Libertarians backers, who are disproportionately pulling support from his main rival.

Mr. Cuccinelli, on the other hand, has made a point of brandishing his libertarian credentials to attract Sarvis supporters who would be crucial to pull out a win over Mr. McAuliffe.

The Republicans campaign announced Wednesday that former Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican and former presidential candidate, will rally Monday evening with Mr. Cuccinelli in Richmond. Mr. Paul, who often is described as a libertarian folk hero, endorsed Mr. Cuccinelli this month.

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican and Ron Pauls son, campaigned with Mr. Cuccinelli this week.

The poll released Wednesday suggested that some crucial voters might not have settled on a candidate.

Political analysts have long speculated that Mr. Sarvis could be attracting disaffected voters turned off by what has been a contentious and unusually mean-spirited campaign.

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McAuliffe, Cuccinelli try to swing Libertarian vote in Virginia race for governor

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