From Eric Dondero:

Kelly Ayotte won her Senate race with a much higher percentage than anyone predicted. Ayotte gave Democrat Congressman Paul Hodes a thumping, with 61% to 35%.

Republican Frank Guinta, former Mayor of Manchester, was widely expected to win the 1st District US House race. But he did so with a somewhat larger margin than expected with 58% of the vote. Guinta was running against an ultra-left liberal Carol Shea Porter. (I spent a day in Manchester phone banking for Guinta.)

What was less-anticipated is that moderate-to-conservative Republican Charlie Bass won the Paul Hodes seat in the 2nd District with 49% to 46%%. Ironically, he beat his childhood friend Ann Kunster, a relatively moderate Democrat. The two ran a clean race, and refrained from criticizing each other.

According to, Democrats had held a 14 to 10 advantage in the State Senate. That has flipped to Republicans with a whopping 20 to 4 majority.

The New Hampshire State House has completely flipped, and in a big way. Democrats have had a comfortable majority in the House for 4 years. Early indicators predict at the low end of 250 Republicans (out of 400), and possibly as high as 300.

The Executive Council, a statewide constitutional office in the State, with important veto power of the Governor, has flipped from 3 to 2 Democrat, to 5 to 0 Republican.

Democrats claimed only one single victory, and by a hair. Incumbent Democrat Governor John Lynch was re-elected over Tea Partyer John Stephen 52% to 48%.

On the ground in New England.

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