Mass Sen. Scott Brown tells Howie Carr – deport Obama’s Uncle Onyango

From Eric Dondero:

Republican Senator Scott Brown was on the libertarian-conservative Howie Carr show out of Boston on Tuesday.

Carr asked Brown about Obama's uncle Onyango Obama who was recently busted in Boston for drunk driving, and subsequently found to have been in the country illegally since 1992.

Brown (via The Hill):

"Well, yeah. He's here illegally. He's obviously broken the law. I don't know enough about the details of the case, but, God, he's been running around for how long now?" Brown said in an interview on the Howie Carr Show. "Let him go through the process and see what happens."

Onyango is an employee at a Framingham liquor store.

As The Hill reports, White House spokesman Jay Carney asked about Onyango, said that the President was unaware of his Uncle Onyango being in the country illegally.

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