Marvin Scott, Republican for Congress, a "bigot" for Pro-American views

"We are... at war with radical Islam and we could lose if we do not fully understand and fully confront the Muslim menace"

From Eric Dondero:

Meet Dr. Marvin Scott, Republican candidate for Congress, District 7 Indiana.

He is a Deacon at the Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. He is a Sociology professor at Butler University. He's also a former adjunct professor at the University of Massachusetts and has taught at Boston Univ.

His Principles:

Defend the Constitution; Restore and Protect Free Enterprise & Job Creation; Repeal the Health Care Law; Eliminate the Deficit & Reduce the National Debt; Secure our Borders & Restore the Rule of Law to Immigration; Reduce Taxes; Establish Term Limits

But it's his views on Radical Islam that are garnering Dr. Scott the greatest attention.

Islam allows men to beat their wives, execution of homosexuals and seeks to ban alcohol and gambling

From Scott's campaign website

Every American has, and should have, the right to worship in the way they personally see fit. America stands for honoring and protecting that God given right. No such thought or law exists in any Muslim country on the face of the earth. If Muslim law were to be imposed in our country, freedom of religion would disappear here as it has in Muslim countries around the globe. Islam advocates the eventual elimination of all Christians and Jews. We are threatened by past and current deadly acts committed in the name of Islam. We are threatened by those who want Shariah or Muslim law to be honored and to eventually replace our law. Women are cruelly and regularly subjugated to second class status by many practicing Muslims. Honor killings of women are widespread in the Muslim world and happen in our country too. Omar M. Ahmad, founder of CAIR (the Counsil on American Islamic Relations) said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant”. Many Muslims are respectful and model citizens, but many are not. Radical elements of Islam are funding and building mosques across America and they use our laws to protect themselves while advocating the overthrow of our laws and our way of life in their mosques and online. Attacks against America and Americans here and in other parts of the world can not and should not be ignored or explained away. We are forced to be, based on their acts and statements, at war with radical Islam and we could lose if we do not fully understand and fully confront the Muslim menace. I will not be intimidated and I will not be fooled. I will stand against the immediate and real threat of radical Islam to all Americans and to our country.

At another section of Scott's website he points out that:

"Islam commands homosexuals must be executed. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives. And Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped."

André Carson (photo - right) is the first-term Democrat who represents this District. He is a Muslim. Carson's supporters are calling Scott a "bigot" for criticizing Radical Islam. Matt Hammond, a spokesman for Carson's campaign criticized Scott while himself using an interesting choice of words. He was quoted by WISH TV "Marvin Scott accused of Anti-Muslim bigotry":

"he's trying to sort of color all of this campaign with fear."

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