Mark Kirk declares himself a libertarian-leaning Pro-Defenser in Victory Speech

From Eric Dondero:

A very interesting declaration late last night from the winner of the Barack Obama US Senate seat in Illinois:

"Tonight I stand before you as a fiscal conservative, a social moderate, and a national security hawk."

Has Mark Kirk been reading Libertarian Republican?

Congratulations to the new Republican Senator from the State of Illinois, from the fiscally conservative, socially moderate, national security hawk wing of the GOP.

Note - Kirk is a 20-year Veteran of the United States Military.

See - Breitbart Video of Kirk's victory speech.

RELATED NEWS: In another election night shocker, it appears that Republicans may have held Mark Kirk's House seat in IL CD-10 (north of Chicago). This was expected to be one of handful of Democrat pick-ups. GOPer Bob Dold leads the Dem 51% to 49%.

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