March RLC Membership Drive: Please Join!

From Dave Nalle:

At its recent national convention the Republican Liberty Caucus voted to raise its membership dues for the first time in 20 years. This may seem like bad news, but there's a silver lining. The dues change doesn't go into effect until the end of this month. That means this is a fantastic opportunity to renew or join at the old rate.

The dues structure is:

Student/Military New: $30/year Sale: $20/year
Regular Individual: New: $45/year Sale: $30/year
Premium: New: $75/year Sale: $50/year
Sustaining: New: $150/year Sale: $100/year
Patron: New: $350/year Sale: $250/year
Benefactor: New: $750/year Sale: $500/year
Roundtable: New: $1,500/year Sale: $1000/year

This year we'll be debuting our new Precinct Project which will provide information and training for liberty activists who want to get involved in the GOP and help to return the party to its pro-liberty principles. We'll also be holding some great events around the state with interesting speakers and some of our more liberty inclined state legislators.

Join us in the fight for liberty as we go into what may be the most important 18 months in our nation's history.

From the Editor: As many of you are aware, I founded the RLC back in 1990, and Cliff Thies served as an early RLC National Chair. Though, LR is an independent libertarian Republican website, it's safe to say there is not a single organization that we support more than RLC. We don't make appeals for funds or "hit the tip jar" here at LR. We are making an appeal for you to join the RLC. Join Now!

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