Majority of NY Republicans support Medicinal Marijuana legalization

New Poll finds NY GOPers Going Green on Ganja

Republicans are normally seen as the Party more supportive of the War on Drugs. But at least in one large State that image may need some revising.

From the NY Times, "Republicans favor Medical Marijuana poll shows" Feb. 4:

Medical marijuana’s support among voters in New York State is so solid that even a substantial majority of Republicans favor its legalization, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. The poll found that 71 percent of voters supported medical marijuana, including 55 percent of registered Republicans. The poll numbers seem to confirm others cited by sponsors of the current medical marijuana bill in the Assembly.

The bill currently before the NY Assembly would according to the Marijuana Policy Project:

remove state criminal sanctions for seriously ill patients using marijuana on their doctors' recommendation.

It is sponsored by two Manhattan Democrats. However, MPP is working to find Republican co-sponsors for the legislation. From MPP:

The bill would instead allow for safe access by allowing state-registered regulated entities to dispense medical marijuana to qualified patients. We expect that these changes will attract Republican support.

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