MAJOR NEWS!!! Rubio pulls ahead of Crist in Florida race


From Eric Dondero:

Since Charlie Crist announced as an Independent back in May, Republican Marco Rubio has consistently polled slightly behind the Florida Governor. Now, for the first time, a major polling firm shows libertarian/Tea Party-favorite Rubio pulling ahead.

From Rasmussen:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Florida finds the two candidates neck-and-neck again this month, with Rubio earning 36% support and Crist, the state’s current Republican governor, capturing 34% of the vote. Prospective Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek remains a distant third, picking up 15%. Fourteen percent (14%) of the state’s voters remain undecided.

A month ago, Rubio, former speaker of the Florida House, and Crist were tied at 37% apiece. Meek, an African-American congressman from the North Miami area, again was at 15%.

For 2010, Libertarian Republicans are most enthusiastic about the Senate races of Rand Paul in Kentucky, Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, and Marco Rubio in Florida. These candidates are officially endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus ( With Rubio pulling ahead, the RLC and the overall Libertarian Republican movement could now have a full sweep of election victories for the US Senate.

Not too mention, this will be also be a complete sweep for the Tea Party.

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