Libertarians react to Obama’s government take over of Health Care

Clearly UnConstitutional

Cong. Tom McClintock of California, remarks House Floor, Auburn Journal, March 16:

My constituents have read the Constitution, including the provision that requires both houses to vote on a bill before it can become a law.

M. Speaker, if the Democrat majority attempts to impose this law without a direct vote, two things will be obvious to every American.

First, that the Democrats are ashamed to cast the very “up-or-down” vote on the health care takeover that the President promised as recently as yesterday.

And far more disturbing, that the Congress has now placed itself above the Constitution.

Republican leadership wimping out; should call for complete Privatization

Syndicated Radio Talk show host Larry Elder, Column, Orange County Register, "Republicans in cahoots with collectivists":

The entire Obamacare debate starts off in the wrong place -- with Republicans agreeing that "reform" is necessary, health care "costs too much" and that government must "make health care more affordable." But it is because of government -- laws, regulations and policies -- that users pay more for services and drugs than they otherwise would...

they should encourage a full-throated deregulation/privatization of the health care industry.

Because government pays for nearly half of medical costs, we have a nation of government-provided-health-care dependents.

Are Republicans sounding the alarm about government's present intrusion in health care and its counterproductive effect on quality, affordability and accessibility?

A collectivist, whether an active or passive one, is still a collectivist. Having an "R" after the name provides no defense.

Impeach Obama and these "power mad clowns"

Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs:

Why are House Democrats so suicidally focused on pushing through an unpopular bill? Because they believe that the Republicans will never be able to repeal it and that they will have established a permanent new government entitlement that will only grow in future decades, pushing this country permanently farther toward the left.

But there is something different about this bill. Previous welfare-state expansions enjoyed public support and passed with bipartisan majorities—which served to demoralize any opposition. Never has a bill like this gone through on a strict one-party vote when the American people oppose it by nearly two to one...

If there is any justice, impeachment proceedings await Pelosi, Reid and Barry Obama if they putsch the health bill through. The American people don't want it. Period.

We are a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Who the hell do these power-mad clowns think they are?

Health Care nowheres to be found in US Constitution

Wes Benedict, Exec. Director, Libertarian Party (release):

The words "health care" and "medicine" are not found anywhere in the Constitution. Accordingly, the Libertarian Party asserts that Congress has no authority to regulate or appropriate money for health care.

"We oppose this horrible federal government expansion into health care... It is a virtual certainty that the cost estimates of this legislation are drastically understated... said Libertarian Party National Chairman Bill Redpath. "This is a top-down, Washington-mandated control of health insurance and health care in this nation. It is the antithesis of consumer-driven health care, which is what will ultimately be necessary to control health care costs and to provide the best health care for the greatest number of people."

Just like Sarah Palin said, rationing and even death panels for real

Michael Tanner, Cato Institute, NR Weekend

The bill will cost more than advertised. It won’t be long before Congress is shocked — shocked! — to discover that health-care reform is going to cost a lot more than expected. It’s not just the budgetary gimmicks that Democrats have been employing to hide the bill’s true cost. It’s also that government programs — and government health-care programs in particular — almost always end up exceeding their cost estimates.

And the government will increasingly intervene in medical decision making, micromanaging medical decisions and deciding what treatments are most effective or, frighteningly, most cost-effective...

insurance premiums will double in the next few years. In fact, for the millions of Americans who get their insurance through the individual market, rather than from an employer, this bill will raise premiums by 10–13 percent more than if we do nothing. Young and healthy people can expect their premiums to go up even more.

No trust left for Obama

Dennis Miller, O'Reilly Report, Fox News:

I heard the guy blow too much smoke over the year. He said he wasn't going to take the public funding. Then he became the candidate. Then he immediately went back on that or he would take the public funding. I just don't trust the guy anymore...

you know, if we vote for this bill, you are trusting President Obama and you are trusting the Democratic Party because all the Republicans are against it.

Tea Party tidal wave coming...

Rand Paul, Republican candidate for US Senate - Kentucky,

Show us the government program that came in under cost. They're always two to three times wrong in underestimated the budget...

[If this passes] I think there’s going to be a tea party tidal wave like you’ve never seen...

Obama didn't get the message of Scott Brown; but he will in November

Marco Rubio, candidate for US Senate - Florida (

How many Massachusetts-like pushbacks is it going to take for President Obama to understand the American people want to reform health care without changing and abandoning all the things that have made our system great? How many town halls, tea parties and elections will it take for the American people to finally convey to Washington that we need to scrap this flawed proposal and process, and start anew on step-by-step reforms?

I join the American people in opposing this proposal on policy grounds as well as the procedural approach being considered to ram it through. If President Obama and Congressional Democrats go down the road of reconciliation, they will leave no doubt in the American people’s minds that Washington is broken and 2008’s promise of ‘Change’ was little more than a campaign slogan that should not have been believed in the first place.

A note of Optimism

Dr. Jack Wheeler, To the Point News

It took Pearl Harbor for us to recognize the evil of Tojo's Imperial Japan. It took Hitler's declaring war on us after Pearl Harbor to open our eyes to him. Then we did what it took to rid the world of Nazism and Japan...

The struggle for freedom and against the forces of fascism will always continue. We have the morality of freedom, America's founding principles, and 300 million guns in private hands on our side. That's a very good basis for realistic optimism.

An optimism tempered in the reality that the evil we face is in fact evil, that it means us and our country harm, that it is ruthless, that it is relentless, that it will never abandon its attempt to control our lives.

Only by facing this reality can we begin to not only hold Democrat Fascists at bay from further destruction of our freedom, but start to recapture the territory of freedom they have stolen from us.

no matter what happens to ObamaCare, we can use its passage or failure to expand our freedom, and make Pelosi-Reid-Obama evil if not go to sleep... victory over them will come with one final Waterloo... a tsunami wipeout of Dems next November, Zero (Obama) losing to Sarah Palin in 2012, et al.

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