Libertarians Hope For Boost From Johnson

SANTA FE New Mexicos Libertarian Party has a lot at stake in the general election with former Gov. Gary Johnson running as the partys presidential nominee.

A strong finish by Johnson would deliver a big boost to the Libertarians under terms of state election law, potentially making it easier for the partys candidates to secure a place on the ballot starting in 2014.

Libertarians have a chance at becoming a major political party in New Mexico the same as Democrats and Republicans if Johnson wins at least 5 percent of the total vote in November.

Thats a significant prize because it would remove hurdles that make it difficult for most third-party candidates to get on the ballot in the state.

It certainly would improve things for the Libertarian Party, said Richard Winger, editor and publisher of Ballot Access News, which tracks election laws nationwide. I think you would see a lot of Libertarians run for office.

Even if Johnson finishes strongly, theres still one more step for Libertarians. They would be required to increase their voter registration to make it more than one-third of 1 percent of New Mexicos total registered voters by early 2014.

There are now about 2,430 registered Libertarians in New Mexico roughly 0.2 percent of the 1.2 million voters in the state.

If Libertarians become a major party, they would select their nominees by holding a June primary election along with Democrats and Republicans. Candidates file petitions to run in their partys primary, and the winner is automatically on the general election ballot.

Minor political parties use a different system, which has been the subject of much criticism and an unsuccessful lawsuit by Libertarians.

To initially qualify as a political party in New Mexico, groups such as the Libertarians are required to submit petitions with a certain number of voter signatures. After a so-called minor party selects its nominees at a convention, the candidates must file separate petitions with election officials to get on the general election ballot.

See the article here:

Libertarians Hope For Boost From Johnson

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