Guevara's Party gains Four seats in Congress

From Eric Dondero:

Final totals from Costa Rica are now starting to come in. And although the Libertarian Party (Movimiento Libertario) lost the Presidential race, with a vote total less than expected, 21% to winner Laura Chinchilla's 47%, they now appear to be the biggest winners in Deputy races for the Costa Rican Congress.

Already there's talk that President Chincilla of a center-right party, will have to "deal with the rightist" Libertarians to form a working majority in the congress.

From Raw Story:

Chinchilla... won 47 percent of the votes counted late Sunday... However, deputies from her ruling National Liberation Party (PLN) won barely 38 percent, as voting here increasingly favors political minorities.

Otton Solis [leftist party] lagged more than 20 points behind Chinchilla.

Chinchilla's other main opponent, Otto Guevara, only reached third place but his pro-business Libertarian Movement Party was set to increase its seats from six to 10.

And a Costa Rica blog that covers the elections Partidos Politicos confirms that Movimiento Libertario has indeed gained seats, but gives a slightly different figure saying that they actually went up from 5 seats to 10.

Dos partidos de oposición aumentaron su presencia parlamentaria: el derechista Movimiento Libertario, que tendría diez representantes, el doble de los que logró elegir en las elecciones de 2006...

Translation: Two opposition parties raised their presence in parliament: The rightist Libertarian Movement, who will have 10 representatives, double that of what they gained in the elections of 2006.

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