Libertarian Republican Campaign Briefs

From the Editor:

We have a mountain of news to report on the campaign front. It may take a day or two to catch up. So be prepared to see an awful lot of hardcore candidate news in the coming days. It's to be expected, given the season. We're approaching full-fledged GOP primary season in numerous states.

With the unexpected retirment announcement of Birch Bayh of Indiana, keeping up with the latest political developments has become almost dizzying.

Here's a couple briefs to help us all catch up:

* Kennedy is out! If you hadn't heard yet Patrick Kennedy has opted out of a run for re-election in Rhode Island's 1st CD. But that doesn't mean libertarian-leaning GOPer John Loughlin, who we reported on here at LR two weeks ago, now has a clear shot. Two Democrats have already announced including the Mayor of Providence.

* New poll out in Texas, show Governor Perry with a commanding lead for the GOP nomination, now at 45% to Kay Baily at 29% and Medina at 17%.

* You can stick a fork in Democrats chances of picking up a Senate seat in Louisiana. In fact, this was perhaps their only real chance of picking off a GOPer in 2010. (Outside chance at New Hampshire, but that's now way gone for Dems too). Incumbent Republican Sen. David Vitter now ahead of Dem challenger Charlie Menlancon, a relative moderate, 57% to 36% in new Rasmussen.

* There is a poll from Rasmussen just released, showing Republican Dino Rossi, if he runs, ahead of Sen. Patty Murray by 2%.

* Republican Round-up; Republicans look good to gain the Governorship in Iowa. GOP way out ahead for pick-ups in North Dakota of both the Senate seat and the House seat. Finally, Pennsylvania is swinging bigtime GOP all-around. Republican for Governor Tom Corbett, now way out ahead in Rasmussen 52% to 26%.

Finally RED HOT RUMOR! Democrat Rep. William Dellahunt of (southeastern) Massachusetts is being talked about as the next Dem to announce his resignation. Libertarian Republicans have a pony in this race: State Senator Bob Hedlund of Weymouth (photo).

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