Libertarian Party opposes Lake income tax

ST. JOHN | The Lake County Libertarian Party is opposed to a county option income tax.

Beth Duensing, party chairwoman, issued a statement Tuesday calling on the public to push the Lake County Council to reject a 1.5 percent assessment on the income of all county residents and workers.

Duensing rejects the arguments of county officials the tax is needed to satisfy unfunded mandates by state and federal authorities to increase spending on the county jail as well as other public safety initiatives.

"It's all too much. We are a prison county and we homeowners are paying for it. It is imperative that the county reduce spending and learn to live within their budget, just like each of us do in our own homes," she writes.

The Libertarian Party fielded candidates last year for president and an Indiana seat on the U.S. Senate. They attracted about 4,100 voters in Lake.

There are no elected officials in county government associated with the Libertarian Party, including the County Council, which voted 4-3 April 9 to pass an income tax.

A number of Republican Party activists have joined Lake County Commissioner Gerry Scheub, D-Crown Point, in opposing the income tax.

Duensing asks the public to attend the next council meeting, at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the Syd Garner Auditorium of the Lake County Government Center, 2293 N. Main St., Crown Point, whereit could pass the tax on second and final reading.

Duensing writes, "The vote of the council members is close. Hearing from the residents and workers in person could turn this vote around."

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Libertarian Party opposes Lake income tax

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