Libertarian-leaning Military Vet to be the next Governor of Wyoming?

From Eric Dondero:

Meet Rita Meyer. She is a Republican candidate for Governor of Wyoming. A recent poll has her pulling ahead of the pack of 5 other GOP primary opponents.
From the Billings Gazzette:

Meyer, the current state auditor, and Mead, a former U.S. attorney, polled 27 percent and 24 percent, respectively, among likely Republican voters. Meyer also led all seven Republican candidates in name recognition (91 percent) and favorability rating (50 percent).

House Speaker Colin Simpson polled 17 percent, while former legislator and state Department of Agriculture Director Ron Micheli followed with 12 percent.

Meyer was one of two to receive a dual-endorsement from the Wyoming Republican Liberty Caucus. (The WY RLC also endorsed her opponent constitutionalist Ron Micheli).

Wrote Michael W. Dean, Coordinator for the Wyoming RLC at Libertarian Punk:

[Rita Meyer at a debate endorsed] calling out the Wyoming National Guard against the federal government... I’m excited about Rita Meyer and Ron Micheil, and the consternation they’re causing the small (but growing) number of liberals in this state. Yay!

She also has the enthusiastic backing of libertarian-leaning Republican Sarah Palin (via Texas4Palin):

I am proud to endorse a straight shooter for Governor of Wyoming. Rita Meyer is ready to put her years of valuable public service to good use in the state’s beautiful capitol.

Before serving Wyoming with distinction as State Auditor, Rita served our nation as a combat veteran of both Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom who achieved the rank of Colonel during her 23 years of service in the Wyoming Air National Guard.

Wyoming is a beautiful, resource-rich, independent state that is ready for Rita. She may not have millions of dollars to campaign with, but she has enough volunteer human resources and is running her campaign the old fashion way – grassroots and gritty! Voters know that Rita has a unique blend of steel magnolia and mama grizzly. Her true grit has not escaped the eye of other Americans who know that at every level of political office we all benefit with commonsense constitutional conservatives in service.

From her website on the 10th Amendment:

Wyoming has a culture of self-reliance, and we are wary of government intrusion, especially from Washington. The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states the preeminence of states' rights in the structure of our country. We need to prevent the federal government from over-stepping its bounds and telling us how to run our state.

Political experts in and out of Wyoming generally agree that the winner of the Republican primary will be the next governor, as the Democrats are running only weak candidates in this very GOP state.

Reached for a comment by Libertarian Republican, Rita Meyer said the following:

"I'm always grateful for the endorsement of Republicans who believe firmly in the seriousness of the 10th Amendment. In Wyoming, we value our sovereignty as a state, and we expect the Governor to protect it. The liberty of our citizens and the right of our state to determine its own destiny will guide my decision making as Governor."

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