Libertarian for Governor Bruce Olsen wants to bring National Guard troops home to Protect Arizona border

In a release dated July 27, Libertarian candidate for Governor of Arizona Bruce Olsen stated the following:

Bruce Olsen is fighting for a balanced budget for the state of Arizona and the federal government, to reduce the size of state government by 60%, to secure our southern border and work with California, New Mexico and Texas to secure theirs as well...

Olsen also wants to:

deport all illegal aliens [and] make English the official Language of the state of Arizona.

Later in the release:

Olsen advocates what most Libertarians don’t, that is, to de-nationalize the Guard units of the Army , Navy, Marine, Air Force, or National Guard. Olsen wants to allow no state guard troops to be deployed to foreign shores unless Congress has declared war and, we are under eminent threat.

Jonathan Raof

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