Libertarian-Conservative Wyoming State Rep. represents Tea Party/RLC ideals ideally

"Public welfare as practiced this day and age... is un-American!"

Gerald Gay is a two-term state rep. running for reelection, District 36 - Casper. He's running on a "Republican / TEA Party platform." Gay describes himself as a "Strong advocate for sportsmen." He's got an 'A' Rating from the NRA, and he's a proud member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO).

He also favors "Preserving our excellent, free-market medical care is top priority."

On government welfare:

FAR too many people in the USA are on "The Dole" in its various forms. Including government health care and retirement.

Public welfare as practiced in this day and age is simply re-distribution of wealth. That is most un-American!

But it's not only economics and gun ownership where Gay supports individual rights. In a recent interview with the Wyoming Republican Liberty Caucus, Gay answered in response to a question on Drugs, Food, and Pharmaceuticals:

"you should be free to put anything you want into your body, it's your body."

He also favors the All-Volunteer Armed Forces:

"Conscription is no longer appropriate for the types of conflicts and fighting we may do. We are very well served with the volunteer military as it stands."

More on Gay at

For a video on Gay shooting up Cap & Trade

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