Libertarian Candidate for Gov. Absent from Debate but Gaining Popularity

Lynchburg, VA - Not everyone was happy with the two Virginia Gubernatorial candidates that debated Wednesday night.

"I think it's a disservice to Virginia voters. He's going to be on the ballot November 5th, I think we need to hear from all three candidates" said Patrick Hubble of the Lynchburg Libertarians.

Hubble says his candidate for Governor, Robert Sarvis, should have been included in Wednesday's debate.

Sarvis, a libertarian, has been polling anywhere from 8%, to 10% in a recent NBC News Marist poll among likely voters.

In order to participate in a debate, organizers say a candidate must consistently poll above 10%.

Sarvis though is hopeful his message will take him to that magic number and to Blacksburg for next month's final debate.

"What the polls have been saying all along is that Virginia voters are very keen on having a different choice other than the two major party candidates, and I think it confirms that our message is one that resonates with people" said Sarvis.

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Libertarian Candidate for Gov. Absent from Debate but Gaining Popularity

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