Liberal elitist Matthew Yglesias and TPM slander "Paduka" Kentucky

It's obviously Nowheres-ville USA

From Eric Dondero:

As everyone is aware, "Paduka" is a popular slander from political folklore meant to evoke images of backwardness and nowheres ville. It's similar to the old saying "how does it play in Peoria."

East Coast elitist Matthew Yglesias blatantly used the derogatory spelling for the made-up town of "Paduka," in his most recent column about Rand Paul, instead of the correct "Paducah." Paul was clearly referencing the Western Kentucky city. But by using the wrong spellling, Yglesias snarked that Paul was wanting presumably illiterate small-town hicks to run America's education, rather than the "experts" in Washington.

Yupper! Just a bunch a small-town hicks running our Edu-macation

The slight was repeated at TPM's Wonk Room. Here's the reference:

Rand Paul’s stated rationale for wanting to abolish the Department of Education is revealing of his ignorance of the relevant issues:

PAUL: I would rather the local schools decide things. I don’t like the idea of somebody in Washington deciding that Susie has two mommies is an appropriate family situation and should be taught to my kindergardener at school. That’s what happens when we let things get to a federal level. I think I would rather have local school boards, teachers, parents, people in Paduka deciding about your schools and not have it in Washington.

Will the Paducah Sun, or other Kentucky media, which have been slanted towards Paul's Democrat opponent Jack Conway, have any comments to make on the slight?

One wonders how Yglesias's remarks will play with them good ole votin' folks of Paducah?

(H/t Memeo)

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