Lawmakers show Libertarian bent in election-year session

TALLAHASSEE On some issues this year, Florida lawmakers channeled their inner libertarian.

They gave their blessing to higher speed limits, medical marijuana for kids and the firing of warning shots against perceived attackers.

On other issues, they ignored that voice.

Legislators killed measures that would have allowed whiskey to be sold near Wheaties, permitted teachers to pack heat on school grounds, and expanded gambling to the point blackjack tables would have bloomed like a thousand flowers.

It could be a symptom of the peculiar dynamic of an election-year legislative session, which ended Friday, forcing a kind of multiple political personality disorder.

The governors office, half the Senate and every state representative seat is up for grabs in November. Many incumbents will go home to their districts to trumpet what they accomplished.

Every year the Legislature makes changes that affect Floridians, for good or for bad, depending on your view.

This year, they tried making 1,900 changes the number of bills filed. Only the strong survived, or at least the ones with the strongest backers.

Here are several initiatives sure to be felt by people in the Tampa area. One thing to bear in mind: No bill passed by the Legislature becomes law until Gov. Rick Scott signs it.

Tax and fee cuts: Itll be cheaper to register your vehicle under legislation already approved by Scott.

Originally posted here:

Lawmakers show Libertarian bent in election-year session

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