Kristin Davis to appear on "Libertarian Politics Live" on NYC Muslim Mosque

"Leftist Asshole" interupts her Birthday party

From Eric Dondero:

Fireworks erupted at the Birthday Party of Kristin Davis, Anti-Prohibtion Party candidate for New York Governor, last Saturday night.

Davis interupted her prepared remarks to make a special statement on the Muslim Mosque at Ground Zero controversy.

"If I can ask you to be serious for one minute in a night which is supposed to be a party I want to talk about something I feel very, very strongly about- I do not want a Mosque built near the 9/11 sight. I think it is wrong and would be held up as an important propaganda victory by radical extremist Islamics. The people of New York, the families of those murdered oppose this monument to the attack on this country."

Semi-nude Models and Marijuana leaves

The event took place at the Lounge 49 Grove in Manhattan. About 40 guests were in attendance including celebrities, former escorts, and supporters of her candidacy.

As the blog BlaysianBitch describes:

Partygoers were greeted with semi nude models decorated with Davis’ name as well as marijuana leaves. Campaign workers made rounds asking everyone registered to vote in New York State to sign a petition.

Then a heckler interrupted. Continuing:

The crowd cheered after the madam condemned the proposal until a man in the audience, later identified as Scott Pellegrino, challenged her.

Pellegrino, who came in support Davis asked, “ Are you saying the people who are trying to start the mosque blew up the buildings?” He was met with jeers from the crowd...

Davis responded that building the mosque would “send a message to the terrorists who decimated the city that its ‘okay’ and I don’t want it there.”

Afterwards, Pelligrino said:

“I was extremely upset to hear her crazy, right-wing, racist view on the mosque. She seemed to collectively blame all Muslims, I tried to clarify.”

Reached by Libertarian Republican for a comment, Davis Campaign Consultant Roger Stone, said of Pelligrino, he's a "fucking leftist asshole."

Davis will be a guest on LR's "Libertarian Politics Live" tonight at 8pm cst to discuss the spat at her birthday party and the issue of the Muslim Mosque at Ground Zero.

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