Khyber Club owner in Philly defends rights of Nazis to dress as they please, And he’s a Jew

Even NeoNazis rights to Free Speech should be Defended

From Eric Dondero:

There isn't a blog in the entire blogosphere that is more passionately anti-Socialist, including anti-National Socialist than Libertarian Republican (besides perhaps Right Guy, and Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs), .

But being a libertarian sometimes means defending some truly disgusting and revolting behavior. We libertarians believe that individuals should be free to do as they please, so long as they are not infringing upon the rights of others. This includes wearing totally offensive attire.

Three NeoNazis were attacked after a Punk Show at the legendary Khyber Club in Philadelphia over the weekend. But the club owner expressed a rather libertarian view, defending their right to dress as they wish. Khyber's Stephen Simmons is Jewish.

From via Conservative Focus blog:

Khyber owner Stephen Simons, who was not at the show, said he had been told that the crowd inside "largely ignored and mocked" the three men.

But after they exited the club, on 2nd Street near Chestnut, they were attacked by a group of up to 50 people, he said.

[A blogger described] "Nazi-inspired symbols" and as wearing "camouflaged combat pants; woolen, WWII-era coats adorned with SS emblems and authentic Third Reich hats with Nazi insignias emblazoned atop them."

"I guess being on 2nd Street in SS uniforms on a Friday night is a way to incite a semi-riot," Simons said.

"As a Jew, I am totally offended by them wearing the uniforms," he said. "But, as an American citizen, I totally uphold their right to dress however they want to dress."

For the record, I too am Jewish. Simons is correct. The three individuals represent a reprehensible ideology. But they should be free to wear Nazi clothes without the fear of being physically attacked.

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