Judge Napolitano on Stossel Special: All Taxation is Theft

Two Wings of the libertarian movement emerge?

The long anticipated John Stossel special on Fox Business News, "What is a Libertarian?" aired last night. True to form, Judge Andrew Napolitano, a favorite of the Ron Paul crowd took the Radical Libertarian aproach on all matters. While "Mainstream Libertarian," PJ O'Rourke was more cautious.


I believe that all taxation is theft. Because you have the right to the product of your own labor. If the government can take the fruits of your labor against your will, it can take anything.

STOSSEL: So, we have a voluntary tax system? (Later) No Taxes?

NAPOLITANO: No Taxes!... Who says we have to have an Army and a Navy. And who says it has to be paid for by taxes?

O'ROURKE: Can we keep the Marine Corps? Just in case Canada acts up, ya know...

O'Rourke went on to say, that there's no easy answer on taxes, and that all taxation ends up being "extremely unfair." He went on to advocate a low flat tax of around 15%.

Editor's comment - Fortunately these days, all views on the libertarian spectrum, from hardcore Napolitano-ism to P.J. O'Rourke's cynical, but more mainstream approach, are now fully welcomed within the Republican Party.

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