Johnson increasingly pissed off over Debate exclusion

Using the Libertarian Party stick?

From Eric Dondero:

Former New Mexico Governor and current libertarian Republican candidate for President Gary Johnson is letting RNC Chair Reince Priebus know that he's not at all happy about the media excluding him from recent debates. He released this letter to Priebus to bloggers and other media:

It is no secret that not all of my views, particularly on some so-called ‘social issues’ are shared by certain elements of the Republican Party – elements who frankly exert inordinate influence within the Party.

Many of my supporters who are Independents are quick to suggest that the Republican “establishment” doesn’t want my voice heard. I hope that is not the case. To the contrary, as I travel the country, I find a great number of Republicans who not only share my views, but who feel disenfranchised by a vocal minority that has become the face of the Party.

My electoral success in a heavily Democrat state should serve as proof that my candidacy presents an opportunity to demonstrate that the Republican Party is big enough to allow a slightly different voice to be heard. That will be important next year when it comes time to turn our attention to the ultimate goal: Convincing a majority of Americans that they want a Republican in the White House.

With the early Republican primaries and caucuses fast approaching, I urge you to exert some leadership and reclaim the nominating process from the national news media who are today pre-ordaining the viability and success of candidates. It is Republican voters who ultimately lose when the process is skewed, and serving the interests of those voters is, in fact, your responsibility, as is the integrity of the nominating process.

And this curious note from Politico, Burns & Haberman on 2012:

There has been some talk among Libertarians about Johnson, who is taking a tea party fiscal position, running as a third party candidate.

Johnson supporter, Donald Trump confidante and Reagan for President '80, Dole for President '96 campaign consultant Roger Stone told LR:

Look out GOP--- keep locking him out of debates and watch him bolt....

Note - The Libertarian Party is on track for full 50 state ballot access for 2012.

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