Jim Talent on threats to National Security: Obama putting our country at Risk


by Clay Bowler

I had the privilege of listening to former Senator Jim Talent speak last Saturday night at the local GOP Lincoln Day event in Joplin, Missouri. If you are from Missouri, chances are your realize what a loss it was for the state when Claire McCaskill beat Talent in the 2006 elections. I don't want to turn this into an attack Claire McCaskill piece, but let's just say there was a huge IQ drop in January 2007, when Claire McCaskill took office.

Senator Talent has been busy and has proven to be a valuable resource for the Republican party. He also been an asset for the Heritage Foundation, while forming the American Freedom and Enterprise Foundation.

Senator Talent had some alarming words about how little the Obama administration is doing to protect this country. He recently finished reading the US military's Strategic Planning Document. As you know, the United States government in its efforts to provide defense for the American people must lay out a number of strategies and what if scenarios to be prepared for war at all times.

Senator Talent had some alarming statistics in the word counts of the latest document conceived by the Obama administration. The word Iran, which is nearing complete of a nuclear weapon, appears in the document just three times. The word Russia appears in the document four times. The word China appears in the document 11 times. Would you like to take a guess at what threat appears the more in this military document than these three countries?

If you guessed climate change, you guessed right.

According to Senator Talent, the word climate change appears considerably more times. In fact if you add up the number of times the previous countries appeared in the document, the word climate change still outnumbers the combined total of the three previous mentioned countries.

Now considering what you know is happening in the world today. We have had multiple Muslim attacks on this country since Obama took over. This past week, Iran says they now have the capability to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon. Russia, who is friend with Iran and selling weapons to the Iranians, is also building up their military with their petrol dollars. We all know the threat the Chinese military plays in the world. And for the Obama administration, the Mother Nature's army of natural warming and cooling periods is a good chunk of what this military document contains. The Obama administration isn't serious about our defense.

Editor's Note - Clay is of course, otherwise known as Bungalow Bill. His highly popular Libertarian-Conservative blog is Bungalow Bill's Conservative Wisdom linked on our Blog Roll.

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