Jeremy Swartz, Ohio Libertarian for Congress drops out, offers to back Tea Party Republican Rich Iott

The Joe the Plumber District - Marcy Kaptur incumbent Democrat

Toledo, Ohio is home to Joe the Plumber, and also home to the quixotic and radical ultra-liberal Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur. Already a highly endangered incumbent, the race for her seat just got more interesting. Kaptur was a "yea" vote on ObamaCare, which has infuriated local Toledoens.

Jeremy Swartz was promising an agressive campaign for the US Congress on the Libertarian ticket. The Libertarian Party of Ohio is one of the best organzied and most active affiliates in the Nation.

Now, due to family concerns Swartz has had to drop out. In his press release announcing his withdrawal, he vowed to support the candidacy of his Republican opponent Rich Iott over the Democrat incumbent.

If no LP replacement, he'll back the Republican over Kaptur


A vast majority of the politicians in Washington DC (our current Congresswoman included) are no longer serving the best interests of the people, yet time and time again we continue to re-elect them and then do little and/or rarely complain the entire time they are there and when election time rolls around, again we send them back.

After careful consideration and deliberation, I met with my family and with deep regret have come to the decision to withdraw my candidacy as the Libertarian Nominee for the 9th District Congressional race effective immediately, due to a personal family emergency which recently arose and will require a substantial amount of my time.

Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Election Laws, the Libertarian Party of Ohio is legally allowed to name a successor to run in my place. If they (the Libertarian Party of Ohio) so choose, I recommend Joseph Jaffe (L) to run in my place for the 9th District Congressional seat. If a Libertarian successor should not be named, I will cast my vote to end tyranny in the United States by voting for Rich Iott (R) on November 2,, 2010.

Interestingly, Iott initially ran as a "Tea Party" Independent. But was then convinced by local Republican leaders to run on the GOP ticket.

From Iott's campaign website:

I believe that less government is good government and that the Constitution clearly defines the limited role of the federal government.
I believe in States’ Rights and that most laws and regulations should be made at the levels closest to the people which they affect.

I believe the primary mission of our government at the national level is to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and that a strong national defense is key to that mission.

I am a fiscal conservative and I believe in personal responsibility.

Joe the Plumber once considered running for this seat. Wurzelbacher backed Iott's primary opponent, a local police chief.

Ironically, Swartz also faced an opponent in an unusual Libertarian Party primary.

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