Iran Protesters restrained, but not beaten


Shouting "Death to the Dictator" tens of thousands of mostly youth protesters in Tehran turned out over the weekend to protest the government's increaingly repressive policies.

This report from Associated Content News:

Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, announced at the pro-government rally, Iran's expansion of its nuclear program and claims to have enriched uranium to 20% with the ability to achieve 80% purity. According to this CNN report, President Ahmadinejad also denigrated the United States and its relationship with rival Israel during his speech to the people of Iran.

Iran's plain-clothed militia and police successfully prevented protester demonstrations as they prowled the streets of Iran's capital, particularly Azadi Square, using tear gas, guns, batons, and brutal force, as promised...

The weekend government rallies and counter protests marked the 31st Anniversay of the Iranian Revolution to overthrow the Shah.

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