Important item for Libertarian Republican blog

Don't be a One-visit Wonder!

From Eric Dondero:

We're currently experiencing a substantial uptick in daily visitors to this website, now over 1,000 a day. Obviously, getting closer to the heart of election season 2010, must have something to do with it. But regardless, we've got lots and lots of new people visiting Libertarian Republican.

Folks, don't be a One-visit Wonder! Take a moment and add our link to your Daily Favorites on your tool bar. Just highlight our url and click "Add to Favorites." And name it in caps as in LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN so you'll be sure not to lose us among the other sites, Drudge,, TheOtherMcCain, LeftCoastRebel, RedState, NationalReview, AmericanThinker, ect...

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Thank you for reading this blog.

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