ILLINOIS: Mark Kirk clearly won the debate

Only responsible choice for Senate

By Jeff Wartman

Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias finished their national televised debate on Meet the Press Sunday morning. The differences were startling, and only one conclusion can be made: Mark Kirk is the only responsible choice for the United States Senate. Let’s recap:

The candidates were each asked to name two issues where they disagree with their own party’s platform. Mark Kirk, being an independent voice for citizens, rightfully named supporting stem cell research and SCHIP, the children’s healthcare program. Alexi Giannoulias was completely unable to name a single issue where he disagrees with the Democrat platform – instead incompetently naming TARP, which was a Republican program. If Alexi is so ignorant and uninformed of simple policy, he is not qualified to be a United States Senator.

Even more amusing was the roundtable after the debate. Joe Klein, a Time columnist who often writes favorably towards Democrats — actually laughed and expressed shock that Alexi Giannoulias actually used the line “I did not know the extent of their criminal activity” when attempting to explain why, as Chief Loan Officer at Broadway Bank, he repeatedly gave loans to convicted felons and known mobsters — basically acknowledging that he knew they were criminals, he just didn’t know the extent of your criminal activities. Klein’s shock that a politician would actually make that statement says a lot about Alexi Giannoulias and the extent of his financial dealings with mobsters and felons.

The debate can be easily summed up: Mark Kirk gave real solutions for economic growth and creating jobs – creating tax incentives for hiring and ensuring a healthy business climate via ensuring availability of capital for small businesses, while Alexi Giannoulias repeated tired talking points.

Mark Kirk is the exact type of Republican we need in the Senate — fiscally responsible and socially moderate.

The conclusion is easy: Mark Kirk is the only responsible choice for U.S. Senate.

Jeff Wartman is a former Executive Comm. member of the Libertarian Party of Illinois. He's now an RLCer, and an active member of the Chicago Young Republicans. He's also a huge Chicago teams sports enthusiast.

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