"Hardline libertarian" party in Slovakia holding up EU bailouts

“We are a classical liberal party. We are defenders of the Austrian school of economics,” -- uraj Droba, SaS MP

From the Financial Times of London, "Eurozone hopes hinge on Slovakia" Oct. 9:

A hardline libertarian party... looks set to throw a spanner in the machinery of expanding the eurozone’s bail-out fund – seen as crucial to restoring market confidence in the bloc.

Despite pressure from across the continent, Richard Sulik, leader of Slovakia’s libertarian Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party, repeated on Sunday that his party would reject the measure.


Senior European officials have intensified pressure on Slovak officials... In recent days, some of Europe’s most high-profile leaders – including Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission – have publicly called on the remaining refuseniks to pass the deal...

“For Sulik it is not a question of popularity, it’s a question of doctrine,” says Grigorij Meseznikov. “He is a libertarian and he does not have the sense of the EU being a community.”

Photo credit - Thirdage.com

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