GOP candidates "with a libertarian streak" say benefits extension actually promotes Unemployment

gold·brick (gldbrk) Slang
A person, especially a soldier, who avoids assigned duties or work; a shirker.
v. gold·bricked, gold·brick·ing, gold·bricks
To shirk one's assigned duties or responsibilities.
To cheat; swindle. -- Goldbrickers definition from Free Dictionary

From Eric Dondero:

Should people have to work for a living; or should they just get paid for doing nothing?

Libertarian-leaning Republican candidates are starting to question extensions without ends of unemployment benefits. Such benefits for some tax takers are now closing in on the 2-year mark. At least one liberal media outlet is stunned that the question would even be brought up by mainstream candidates for office.

From ABC News, July 1, "Politics of Jobless Claims: Is Two Years of Benefits Too Much?":

But out on the campaign trail, it's a different story -- some insurgent Republican candidates with libertarian streaks are arguing to scale back -- not extend -- the benefits.

Both Sharron Angle and Rand Paul were quoted:

"The truth about it is that they keep extending these unemployment benefits to the point where people are afraid to go out and get a job because the job doesn't pay as much as the unemployment benefit does," she said, even though most people on unemployment receive less than 40 percent of their previous wages. (The maximum benefit in Nevada is $362 a week, far lower than the median household income there, which is more than $56,000.)

In Kentucky, where the unemployment rate is 10.2 percent, Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul told a radio interviewer that the unemployed were essentially getting "handouts."

"As bad as it sounds, ultimately, we do have to sometimes accept a wage that's less than we had at our previous job in order to get back to work and allow the economy to get started again," Paul said. "Nobody likes that, but it may be one of the tough love things that has to happen."

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