Giuliani surprises, on top again

Palin in 3rd with 13%

According to Reuters a new CNN poll has Rudy Giuliani ahead of the Republican pack, just "edging out" Romney 16% to 15%.

Rudy Giuliani came out on top of a new survey of the 2012 Republican presidential primary field, even though the former New York Mayor has not so far jumped into the race.

Also polling high were former Alaska governor Sarah Palin with 13 percent, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, with 12 percent, and pizza magnate Herman Cain at 10 percent. Palin also is not a declared candidate for 2012 so far.

All other announced and potential candidates scored less than 10 percent support in a poll of 473 likely Republican voters conducted May 24-26.

"fiscal conservative/tough on crime"


Giuliani projects himself as a tough-on-crime fiscal conservative, and is remembered as the "mayor of 9/11" for his response to the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York city

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