Girly Boy Bill sails through the North Dakota Senate

Teaching Young Men to rely on Government instead of themselves

From Eric Dondero:

The North Dakota legislature is overwhelmingly Republican. Still, a House bill to stop "aggressive behavior" amongst boys, passed easily through the State Senate. Republican Governor Dalrymple - a moderate - is expected to sign the bill.


The Senate voted 36-10 on Thursday to approve the House’s version of the bullying legislation.

House Bill 1465 defines bullying and requires school districts to have bullying policies by July 1, 2012.

Some Republicans, mostly on the hard-right, did raise objections.


Sen. Oley Larsen, R-Minot, a vocal critic of the legislation, said aggressive bills to try to stop aggressive behavior in schools will be ineffective.

The bill has victims relying on the school to protect them from bullying and will promote a victim mentality that will handicap kids for life, he said.

Students need to know they will be bullied and learn how to handle those situations when they occur, Larsen said.

Sen. Margaret Sitte, R-Bismarck, said people have picked on each other since the beginning of time. Bullying prevention programs will use up valuable minutes in the school day, she said.

“This is just another example of nanny state government run amok,” she said.

Note - Senator Larsen is considered one of two or three "libertarian" Republicans in the North Dakota Legislature.

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