German Greens: Men need no longer be Macho

End of the Road for Macho Camacho?

From Eric Dondero:

Now this whacky news out of Germany...

The German Green Party has just gone hardline feminist. From Der Spiegel "New Man Manifesto":

Even if some male party members think the Greens tend to exaggerate a bit on this issue, they do not dare say so publicly. Instead a new group of young party members has come up with an even stronger gender message, this time shining the spotlight on men: "We no longer need to be macho!" is the title of their manifesto which deals with "equality and male feminism."

The signatories include several Green politicians from the European parliament, the German Bundestag as well as local Green leaders. "We no longer want to be macho," it declares, "we want to be people. You are not born a man, you are turned into one."

The men's manifesto makes two main points. First, men need to break out of their traditional gender roles. "We need a new awareness of a new masculinity," write its co-authors Sven Lehmann and Jan Philipp Albrecht. Second, they argue that their fellow men need to realize that real equality will not happen without their participation.

"We want to live differently!" writes Lehmann, a senior member of the North Rhine-Westphalia branch of the party, and the European parliamentarian Albrecht. They appeal for a slower pace of life, less focus on profit and more health consciousness. They want to start holding "Boys' Days and gender-sensitive career-guidance sessions."

There's been no word yet from US Greens on whether they agree with the plan.

Note - Greens have infiltrated the Libertarian Party in the past. New Jersey Green activist Robert Milnes, a frequent commenter at Independent Political Report, has been pushing for a Green-Libertarian alliance for years. He even briefly declared for the Libertarian Presidential nomination in 2008. At present, in California, prominent Ralph Nader former campaign staffer Christina Tobin is seeking the Libertarian nomination for Sec. of State.

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