Georgia Rep. Paul Broun, Obama a Marxist for sure

Congressman Paul Broun appeared on the Pete Domininick XM/Sirius radio show last week, and made the following comments:

INTERVIEWER: The President and the Democrats are gonna pass a bill that's gonna kill jobs, and increase premiums, and wreck health care in the country...

BROUN: Absolutely.

INTERVIEWER: Do you think President Obama is a Socialist?

BROUN: I know he is. In fact, if you look at his own writings, he said when he was in college he leaned to Marxist tendencies, and Marxist professors. He joined Marxist clubs. You look at who he's put in his administration. There are avowed Socialists.

Dominick then pressed Rep. Broun on Obama's citizenship, asking "you can't say that he's an American citizen." Broun responded, "I don't know."

Broun is a medical doctor. He is considered a libertarian-conservative, and has received consistently high ratings from the RLC Liberty Index. He was supported by Libertarian Republicans in his past elections.

He is not yet a co-sponsor of the House bill by Florida Rep. Bill Posey HR 1073 to require proof of citizenship for eligibility of future presidential contenders. The bill currently has 12 co-sponsors, all Republicans.

Here the entire 2 minute interview here.

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