Former Marxist encounter with young Obama: "He was one of us"

John Drew, Ph.D has now revealed his former acquaintance Barack Obama's Marxist background.

Drew being interviewed yesterday on Breitbart TV:

I visted her [ex-girlfriend] at her home in Palo Alto, and young Barack Obama showed up with basically his closest friend Hasan Chaandu. And they both showed up, and ya know, we all went out to dinner, and parties, and smoked cigarettes, and did what young Marxists do. We basically argued politics...

I did not take my status as a Marxist Revolutionary lightly in 1980. For me it was a serious business. It meant to me that I was an enemy of the US Government in a sense. It meant that I was an enemy of the wealthy people who were ruling the country... and it meant that I was willing to take the sacrifices necessary to... be part of a revolutionary movement that overthrew it. So for me, being a Marxist college student wasn't a light-hearted romp n the park... it was a dead serious statement.

When Carolyn told me Barack was coming up for a visit, she basically introduced him as "he's one of us." And what she meant by that was that he was on our team, a blood brother, member of this revolutionary elite that was going to turn around our country when the revolution hit.

When I met him, he wasn't just some sort of idle explorer of intellectual Marxism; he was good. I know this is kind of incendiary, but he was basically a Marxist-Leninist.

He believed that there was a revolutionary class that was going to turn around our whole nation, ya know redistribute wealth, change control over private property. I think in Dreams of My Father he explains that he liked to "hang out" with Marxist professors. But where he's deceiving the public is that he doesn't explain that he's in total, 100% agreement with those Marxist professors.

Earlier in the interview, Drew explains how he tried to get this information out through repeated faxes and emails during the 2008 campaign, but was ignored by major media, including Fox News.
Drew first recounted the story on Anonymous Political Scientist blog on Sunday, Feb. 7. Three days later NewsMax broke it nationally.

According to his Twitter site, he is now booked for numerous national media appearances next week.

Drew is a researcher, grant writer and author who now lives in California. He is no longer a Marxist, and says that his conversion away from Marxism came while researching the affects of welfare programs on society.

See the full interview at

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