FLORIDA: St. Johns Cty. establishment Republicans fight back against Tea Party insurgents

Upstart Rick Scott reformers vs. the holdover Charlie Crist supporters

From Eric Dondero:

There is an ongoing dispute in St. Johns County (St. Augustine) between local establishment Republicans and elected officials and the St. Johns chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus together with the Tea Party. The elected Republicans are disgusted with the Tea Party/RLC's continuing references to the Constitution, their anti-government attitudes and theatrics.

From St.Augustine.com, "Local GOP, Tea Party 'at war'
n Tea Party: We're all Republicans n GOP: Fight over control of party":

Many local Republicans dislike the Tea Party's attitude and pressure on officials and staff to attain their agenda. Some say they sometimes ask impertinent and misleading questions, saying, "You work for us," and, "It's our money."

Their protests include signs with scrawled anti-tax slogans and quotes from Founding Fathers. Several silent protests were held by members wearing Sons of Liberty clothing and holding the yellow Gadsden Flag with the words, "Don't Tread on Me."

The two opposing camps stem from internal GOP battles for party positions. The two blocks include supporters of former moderate Republican Governor Charlie Crist and former AG Bill McCollum on one side, and the more Tea Party-oriented supporters of current Governor Rick Scott.

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Long-time GOP veterans say confrontational and theatrical actions turn them off.

Several mainstream Republicans said they don't believe Tea Party rhetoric and added, "There's been a war going on" for control of the party since 2008, when the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus tried to take over.

Bob Veit, at the time Executive Committee chairman, said the Caucus was trying to put supporters into vacant precinct captain positions and with increased numbers gain control of the Executive Committee.

One county commissioner recently blew off steam at a local event at what he described as a "verbal assault," by a Tea Partyer.

Later, without mentioning the Tea Party or the incident directly, [Ken] Bryan addressed it at a commission meeting, saying, "There is a trend of anti-government sentiment sweeping this country. I've talked to our employees, and they, too, are feeling it. Some are afraid.

"That is disheartening. I want to tell our employees, 'Don't be ashamed of being a public servant.'"

Photo h/t Florida Tea Party

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