Flake still undecided on debt relief bill; but likes what he sees

From Eric Dondero:

One of the top libertarian Republican members of the US House is still officially undecided on his vote over Speaker Boehner's debt relief bill. But he's hinting he may be moving in Boehner's direction, due to increased attention paid to his pet issue.

From the NY Times "Surprise Ending to Day of Strong-Arming, Head Counts and Meetings":

"It is the most refreshing thing in the world to see what is going on in there," said Representative Jeff Flake of Arizona, an ardent foe of earmarks, the pet projects of lawmakers. "This kind of negotiation a few years ago would have cost $20 billion" in pork barrel projects.

Another leading libertarian Republican Rep. Tom McClintock of California, is also still very much in the undecided camp.

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