First hard evidence Health Care vote hurting Democrat candidates


Breaking News!!!

Libertarian Republican has learned that a soon-to-be-released poll conducted Sunday and Monday night by Public Opinion Strategies shows the following:

Republican challenger Adam Kinzinger leading freshman Democrat Rep. Debbie Halvorson by a margin of 44%-38%.

Halvorson voted in favor of the health care legislation. This is the first time Kinzinger has been ahead in any polling.

An additional finding:

Voters in the district are unhappy with the job President Obama is doing, as 45% approve of the job he is doing, and 52% disapprove. Nearly four in ten voters (38%) strongly disapprove of the job the President is doing.

Ken Spain of the NRCC commented on the results:

"If passing a government takeover of healthcare was supposed to solve all of the Democrats’ political problems, then this November is going to come as an horrific surprise. This is a classic swing seat that seemed to have trended away from Republicans in 2008 and was compounded by the fact that Illinois’ home state senator was running a winning campaign at the top of the ticket. Clearly, that is not the case any longer."

Libertarian Republican featured Kinzinger's campaign back in early February (article - A Fierce Fighter for Taxpayer's Rights)

Former Libertarian Party of Illinois board member and current Republican Liberty Caucus of IL member Jeff Wartman of Chicago was one of Kinzinger's earliest supporters. In a separate article at LR back in July, Wartman noted:

I'm working on Adam's campaign and proud to see a pro-defense, pro-freedom candidate enter this race against the nanny-stater and Pelosi-clone Debbie Halvorson. Adam is an Iraq war Veteran and former McLean County Board Member.

The fight against the liberal Democrats starts in races like this one, and Adam needs support if he's going to win.

You can help Kinzinger at

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