Excalibur, Libertarian Parties vying for your vote

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VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) Havent decided which party to vote for May 14? Depending on your riding, you may have a number of parties to choose from, besides the standard four.

If youve never heard of the Excalibur Party, youre not alone. The party was launched by Michael Halliday only months ago.

This year I didnt have a clue who to vote for. And 50 per cent of the people I talked to said they wouldnt even vote, he says, explaining why he founded the political affiliation.

The party stands for alternative health care, commuter rail for the Fraser Valley and no school fees for post-secondary students.

Well actually pay for their tuition, and then theyll work for the government for five years, he suggests.

He says the party is about government transparency and getting people to understand the issues. Because when people learn about how wild salmon are being wiped out, they get concerned.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum is the Libertarian Party. It too espouses controlling your own destiny, but with less government getting in the way.

Governments tax us and regulate us. It doesnt help us. It makes us worse, says party vice president Paul Geddes.

We think people should be allowed to do whatever they want to do in their personal lives. You should be able to marry who you want to marry, ingest what you want to ingest.

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Excalibur, Libertarian Parties vying for your vote

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