Dr. Helen Smith – Sexy, Chic and "Right Libertarian"

Dr. Helen Smith, contributing editor for Pajamas Media, distinguished Psychologist, and wife of InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds writing in Men's Daily, Aug. 3. Excerpt on liberal college professors supressing diversity of views at law schools across the U.S.:

I am not a Conservative…

Yes, but I am, at least I am a right-leaning libertarian which is adequately different from liberal dogma that it counts as Conservative. Actually, anyone who does not toe the liberal line is considered a Conservative by some of these open-minded academics

I wonder how many conservatives avoid the academic world altogether because of the hostility toward their political views. Law schools are better than most in allowing for different politics but if this is the most tolerant of the academic world, how intolerant are other graduate schools and their professors? I shudder to think about it.

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